10 ways to improve your Health
1. Regular Physical activity…
This is no surprise. But the real questions is how much, how often and how difficult? To prevent chronic diseases it is recommended that an adult get 2.5 hours of moderate (ex. brisk walk)exercises a week OR 1.25 hours of vigorous (ex. running) exercise AND do muscle strengthening exercises 2x/week. The main thing is GET MOVING, pick an activity you love and an intensity you are comfortable with and start today.
2. Vitamins & minerals.
Taking natural supplements is a great way to get the nutrients we need. Generally a good quality multivitamin is sufficient to make sure you get all the nutrients you need. Typically we eat the foods we like and if your not eating a wide variety of different things you can get a deficiency in a certain nutrient, a multivitamin helps you get minimum requirements.
3. Well Balanced Diet.
Avoid fatty meats, simple sugars like pastries and cookies, foods with high cholesterol and salt. Instead reach for foods that are whole grain and nutrient dense like fruits & vegetables and brown rice and try to get 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Blood Pressure Control
IIt is important to monitor your blood pressure because people with high blood pressure often have no symptoms. They do not realize that they are at risk for heart attacks, stroke and kidney failure. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 and anything above that can and should be brought down through proper nutrition & exercise! Only 10% of people with high blood pressure actually NEED to be on medications due to genetic predisposition.
5. Attitude
You can choose your attitude and its easier to have a good outlook! Quality of life is governed by your attitude.
6. Stress Management
”Its not about what happens to you, but how you react that makes the difference!” Choose your reaction and take a moment to assess the situation before reacting. In addition choose a relaxation technique that suits your life and personality, Some people may go for a walk or drink a cup of tea, find something that works for you.
7. Sleep & Rest.
Sleep is very important to how productive you are in a day! Here are some simple ways to sleep better….go to bed and wake up at the SAME time every day and keep your room dark at night, light tends to keep your brain awake.
8. Quit Smoking
The single best thing you can do for your health. Enough said!!
9. Give your life Purpose
Everyone has a purpose, find yours. Do things that are rewarding.
10. Chiropractic
You know I had to include chiropractic . There is a reason most elite athletes have Chiropractors. Chiropractic is the safest and most effective way to treat back pain. It also helps restore proper function in the body.