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Chiropractic Blog

Freedom from Arthritis pain

There are over 100 different types of Arthritis. The common denominator for all these conditions is joint pain, arthritis pain always affects the joints. However each different type of arthritis is very different in terms of the severity and the underlying cause. The most prevalent type of arthritis pain by far is osteoarthritis and it affects about 10% of the population. So what is the cause of osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that occurs when the cartilage begins to wear away from a joint. Cartilage act as a shock absorber and also enables the joint to move smoothly and without friction. When the cartilage wears away not only does the joint no longer glide properly the shape of the joint is also distorted and joint movement is impaired. Eventually the cartilage wears away enough so that there is bone on bone contact within the joint. This whole process causes pain, inflammation and stiffness. Eventually because the joint is not functioning properly the muscles around the joint begin to waste, this makes the joint more unstable and the arthritis progresses more quickly. As the cartilage continues to wear away and the bones are allowed to rub together the bone ends flatten and develop spurs, this is why joints with osteoarthritis are often very wide compared to normal joints.

So what initiates this whole process of cartilage wearing away? A common suggestion is age, however this is not true. Osteoarthritis is often associated with increased age but is not actually caused by age because joints are designed to last for well over 100 years. Many things contribute, often joints that have previously been injured later develop osteoarthritis and genetics also seem to play a small role. But the real culprit is no enough movement!

Not enough movement in the joint; why? Motion is lotion…. No movement = no lubrication and no lubrication means decreased nutrition to the joint. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint and provides the cartilage with nutrition since cartilage does not have a blood supply. When a joint is fixated, like for example after an injury the synovial fluid eventually diminishes and becomes nutrient deficient leaving the cartilage susceptible to wearing away. The capsule around the joint also becomes thickened and fibrous make future movement more difficult.

This is how Chiropractors can help prevent and treat arthritis pain in the spine as well as in it’s other common locations like the hip & knee. Manipulative therapy or “adjusting” can restore ideal motion and facilitate the lubrication process. This can be done on an ongoing basis to prevent the development of arthritis or as a treatment for existing arthritis. Other treatment recommendations include proper nutrition, supplementation and regular exercises. Chiropractors can recommend what supplements and exercises are right for you.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment call Dr. Jen at 705-503-2921.

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